“Calms and near gale force winds” Cpt. Thade reports – 25.07

Good day everybody,
Being underway at sea for several days now we finally made the passage through the famous Strait of Dover. Even though, we did not always made miles in the right direction we made great progress day by day. With every sail set, dowsed, every tack, every lunch cooked and watch completed, everyone on board is more and more forming the crew we need to be: safe, professional, routinised and most of all passionate and longing to reach La Rochelle and load our first cargo to be sailed to Canada.
After an excellent start flying west we had to face the prevailing SW’ly wind in the western North Sea keeping us from making any good progress SSW to the English Channel. Nevertheless we used the situation to do as much maneuvers and sail training as possible to get the crew ready for the long passage over the Atlantic. Having experienced calms and near gale force winds it is an important preview of the forthgoing voyage. I am very happy about the skills and the fast adaption of our entire crew as well as everyone’s drive to push the mission of sailing cargo forward.
Cheers and best regards from aboard the AVONTUUR – the flagship of change
Captain Thade