My TIMBERCOAST Experience by Sina Harthaus

As landlubber to the ship project
Actually, I never had a particular fondness for water, and for ships and sailing certainly not. He grew up in the Central German Uplands and accustomed to winter sports, it has taken me more and more in the mountains, snowboarding, hiking, mountain climbing. Seaside holidays I always felt was rather boring … and wet I will not like.
Then it turned out that I was my great interest in history a member of the “Flint’s Buccaneers”, a show group for sailors representation of 17-18. Jhrds., Which occurs on historical events. The deeper I then went into the matter over the past few years, the unsatisfactory it as it really is seemed to me always “pirate play” but almost always to remain a “landlubber” and not having the slightest idea FEELS to sail a ship to aufzuentern in the mast or to live in a small space below deck. That was the point at which I decided anyway to hire on a sailing ship, and that please not only as tourists, but as part of the team with everything that means. Half measures are not really my thing.
And I remembered the TIMBERCOAST project, around haunted sometime on the Internet and were promised to work days in the sailing days. And even with an ecological objective! Nix as butter fish! And then everything went pretty quickly: Contacting Captain Conny in Australia, over the phone the enthusiasm spark has jumped and a few weeks later I was already on board the AVONTUUR, to properly to lend a hand about to dismantle the nearly 100 year old schooner back to a freighter , This is already more than a year ago. Since I came back again and again to the yard, sometimes only for a few days, sometimes weeks at a time, depending on how the “normal” working life and the pirates Hobby permitted it. I have this experienced just about all phases of construction of the ship, tried in the most different handicraft techniques and in any weather – gewerkelt on board and in the workshop – from snow to heat. I may, working together with wonderfully crazy and dedicated idealists from around the world and life, learn a lot about ships, navigation and protection of the seas and even more about myself incredible how much one may fall for a ship so;. O )