"In these moments it's like time is standing still" - AVONTUUR Journal

“In these moments it’s like time is standing still” – AVONTUUR Journal #3

By Wiebe Radstake 1st mate

Middle of the Atlantic Ocean

The ocean has many ways to show her size. Times goes slower when there is no wind, we are now in a calm for three days. The sound of a ship without wind is like a Tom Waits sailor opera. We made a lot of baggywringles the last few days to prevent the sails from chaffing on the schrouds. During the daytime we are working on the aft, one guy at the helm, two making baggywringles, we are talking about music, about travelling, about sailing. A few times we have seen a big group of whales passing by. In these moments it’s like time is standing still, we just look on in silence, hear the sounds they make and realize we are so small. During the night we are sailing in between the squalls, sometimes we hit one and gather some speed again but most of the time they are just passing by us under a sky full of stars. The moon is getting smaller again, we have lots of shooting stars every night. I’m happy my watch (the 4 till 8) have every day another fantastic sunrise and sunset. Last night the wind picked up and we are making some speed again, we are sailing southwest with 4 to 6 knots now, around 1650 miles to go, we are maybe not fast but it’s good to slow down, be away from the fast western society and live a more natural life.



Limited spots still available to sail with Wiebe.

Caribbean Sea Crossing

Gulf Stream Crossing

The Biscay Challenge